Waterside Marina: 36º 50.600' N 076º 17.490' W (M-5-May 00) Lots to see and do.
MP 2.6 N & PBL RR Bridge: 36º 48.692' N 076º 17.438' W
Railroad Lift Bridge (N & PBL): open except when train approaches.
Closed clearance is 6 feet.
P 2.8 Jordan Lift Bridge: 36º 48.496' N 076º 17.420' W
Lift Bridge: opens on demand except between 6:30-7:30 AM and 3:30-5:00 PM, Mon- Fri, year round. Closed clearance is 15'.
MP 3.6 N&W RR Lift Bridge: 36º 47.825' N 076º 17.575' W
Norfolk & Western Railroad Lift Bridge is usually open, except when a train approaches. And there are a lot of
trains here! Closed clearance is 10'.
MP 5.8 Gilmerton Bridges: 36º 46.511' N 076º 17.696' W
Gilmerton Highway Bridge & Railroad Bridge #7: The highway bridge has no openings except for commercial traffic between 6:30-8:00 AM and 3:00-5:00 PM Monday through Friday except
holidays. Otherwise, it opens on demand. Closed clearance is 11 feet (hwy) and 7 feet (RR). The RR Bridge is usually open. It does not answer to "Gilmerton Railroad Bridge" but only to
"Rail Seven". If it is down, call it directly. The highway bridge does not answer RR bridge inquiries
MP 7.1 I-64 Bridge: 36º 45.478' N 076º 17.778' W Bascule Bridge: Closed clearance is 65'.
MP 7.2 Turn Point to Dismal Swamp Route: 36º 45.407' N 076º 17.739' W
Caution: This turn is not well marked.
(The canal is sometimes closed after extended dry spells. Contact the Dismal Swamp Canal Visitors Center at (919) 771-8333 or the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers at (757) 441-7606 or (757) 547-2109 for current conditions.)
The canal has a nominal controlling depth of 6 feet. (We have consistently found 7 feet.) Six-foot draft boats do use the canal, but must stay centered in the channel and only use the canal at normal
water levels or above. The canal had maintenance in early 2001 to remove dead trees and cut back overhanging branches. HOWEVER, boats transiting should watch for dead heads and debris and over hanging
branches. SPEED LIMIT IS 6 KTS. You can just make the last opening in South Mills if you get the 08:30 at Deep Creek. The slow speed is what keeps the sport fishermen and others over on the Virginia Cut rocking
and rolling the fleet.
The 3.2 miles to the Deep Creek Lock are straightforward but, stay pretty much on the centerline.
MP 10.6 Deep Creek Lock: 36º 44.818' N 076º 20.332' W
Deep Creek Lock usually has
four openings daily. 08:30, 11:00, 1:30 and 3:30. The hours are the same at the other end at South Mills. Lift is about 9 feet. Mooring is usually on the North wall so fenders should be on starboard side. You provide
your own lines. Same rules apply at South Mills. I say, usually because in Nov of 1991 there were enough boats to use both sides. Lockmaster is very helpful and knows that for many it is their first lock. Lockmaster (as
in South Mills) also operates the bridge.
MP 10.7 Elizabeth Dock: (FD-1-May 01)
New in spring of 01.Immediately to the right as you exit the lock. This dock is 100 feet long and just a short walk to town.
MP 11.1 Deep Creek Bridge: 36º 44.446' N 076º 20.687' W (FD-3-May 00)
Immediately to the left after the bridge there is room to tie up 2 boats over night, more if you raft up. Shopping center with grocery store, hardware, fast food and 10 feet away a restaurant that was
good in May 01.
MP 20.5 Farm Bridge: We have actually had to have this opened in Aug 98 and Sept 01.
MP 21.5 Lake Drummond Feeder Ditch: 36º 35.556' N 076º 23.078' W
This is the only shallow spot we've found in
the canal. Shoals out from ditch. So, stay to left and you should maintain 7 feet.
MP 28 North Carolina Visitors Center: 36º 30.161' N 076º 21.242' W (FD-10-Sept 01)
Great stop. Get to know the people
you'll see the rest of the trip. Since, there is no after dark traffic we have seen rafting 5 deep in season.
MP 32.3 South Mills Highway Bridge: 36º 26.775' N 076º 19.636' W - You can tie to fendering
while waiting for opening.
MP 32.8 South Mills Lock: 36º 26.354' N 076º 19.410' W (See Deep Creek.)
MP 47.6 Norfolk Southern RR Bridge: 36º 19.222' N 076º 10.867' W Usually open.
MP 50.7 Elizabeth City Bridge: 36º 18.086' N 076º 13.024' W
Restricted 0700- 0900 and 1600-1800 Daily, but opens on request at 07:30 / 08:30 and 16:30/ 17:30.
MP 50.9 Mariners Wharf: (FD-10-Sep 01) -
This is one of the friendliest places on the ICW. Most of the folks you spent last night with at the NC Visitor Center are going to stop. Cruising guide says it all.
MP 51 R "10" Arrival/Departure point @ Elizabeth City 36º 17.884' N 076º 12.991' W
Turn Point for course down Pasquotank River 36º 17.811' N 076º 12.548' W
G "7" 36º 17.312' N 076º 11.302' W
G "5A" 36º 16.129' N 076º 08.978' W
G "5" 36º 15.275' N 076º 07.693' W
G "3" 36º 12.053' N 076º 03.988' W
(From Pasquotank "G" 3 go to Pasquotank "G" 1. G "1" 36º 09.029' N 076º 01.288' W
This cuts 3.1 miles off the trip, but only use it in calm weather, as there are LOTS OF CRAB POTS. It is no fun clearing a prop in bouncy weather.
NOTE: IF you don't have the weather you like, don't do the Abermarle till it calms, unless you are a real masochist. In 1991 we had 35 knots of N wind and we ran at 14 knots under bare poles to the
Little Alligator. That wasn't the forecast, but it's what we got. OH YEAH, by the way in high winds the Alligator River bridge won't open.
MP 79.1 G "1 AR" Entrance to Alligator River 35º 58.162' N 075º 58.856' W
MP 81.9 Little Alligator River: (A-6-May 01) - Markers have been renumbered. Turn at "R"10 not
8. Another option here is to turn E to East Lake.
MP 84 Alligator River Bridge: 35º 54.032' N 076º 00.536' W - Swing Bridge: opens on demand. Closed clearance is 14 feet. Will not open when
winds exceed 30 to 35 knots due to wind affects on open span.
MP 103 Bear Point: (A-2-May 99) Anchor south of Bear Point.
MP 103.5 Tuckahoe Point: 35º 40.255' N 076º 05.319' W. (A-5-Sep
01) - Good holding but buoy your anchor as snags have been reported. Can get noisy if jets are using the range.
MP114 Fairfield Fixed Bridge: 35º 35.626' N 076º 13.928' W (A/C-1-May 95) - The new
high-rise bridge is complete. Just N of the bridge there is a small canal that will hold 2 boats tied to trees. 7 ft outside, 6-5 feet further in. Weathered severe winds and thunder storms here in May of 95.
MP 1125.9 Wilkerson Fixed Bridge: 35º 33.329' N 076º 26.335' W Clearance is 64 feet.
MP 127.5 Anchorage in the NW branch of the Pungo River. (A-3-Sept 00)
MP 132 Dowry Creek Marina: 35º 31.190' N 076º 31.538' (M/A/C-8-Sep 01.) -
New in1993, it has exceptional facilities, fixed docks, pool and tennis court. E-Mail Courtesy car is available for transportation to Belhaven area restaurants and grocery. Great people. Cat hole is up creek passed
MP 135.7 River Forest Marina: (M-1-Sep 92) - Rest. Did not meet its reputation, according to others it still doesn't.
: (For best anchorage in area see Pungo Creek directions next)
MP 135 R"10" 35º 31.360' N 076º 35.530' W
Red "10" 100 yards north of this mark is departure point for
Pungo Creek. Leave ICW here and proceed direct to Pungo Creek. You will pass through or close aboard the Belhaven Channel entrance marks on this leg.
R"2"; 35º 30.893' N 076º 37.837' W
Pungo Creek Red "2": anywhere from 150 feet to 150 yards south. This leg is from Red "10" direct. Water depths appear accurate as charted.
G"3" 35º 31.040' N 076º 38.250' W
Green "3" (Fl G 4 sec); Stay 50 feet off mark
The shoal may be building out to the north so watch depths if you want to cut the mark closer. Depths hold around 9 feet or better to this point
MP 136.5 Pungo Creek Anchorage 35º 30.810' N 076º 38.680' W (A- 4-May 00)
Pungo Creek anchorage area: Approach is 7 1/2 to 8 feet. Anchor in 7 feet or so near the windward shore. There is excellent protection from trees on all sides, with excellent holding
in mud.
MP 154 Eastham Creek Anchorage: 35º 17.538' N 076º 36.961' W (A/C-3-May 01)
MP 157 Hobucken Fixed Bridge: clearance 65 feet - The Hobucken Coast
Guard Station is on the right before the bridge.
Mp160 Gale Creek: (A-1- Sep 92) I don't think I'd use it now.
(This stretch of water can be rough in east to NE winds. The Neuse River ahead can be even worse. When winds exceed 20 knots out the SW, many low powered boats or sailboats find the Neuse almost impassable.
MP 173 Broad Creek Anchorage: (A-2-Sep 01) - It felt like a great place to spend some time. This is a feel your way around place. Good holding. Average to good protection from winds depending on anchorage
MP 181 Oriental Channel Entrance: G"1"; 35º 00.930' N 076º 41.474'W - Oriental Town dock. Overnight free docking for a couple of boats and then only boats with 4 1/2 foot
draft or less. We were been able to catch an open spot May & Sep 01.
The Oriental Marina (M-3-May 99) Marina facilities are excellent with an outstanding restaurant.
Neat town, we can recommend the Trawl Door rest. M & M Café had a great lunch in Sep 01.
MP 188 Cedar Creek Anchorage G"9" 34º 55.966' N 076º 39.136' (A/C-Sep 01) - Cat hole is around
point to SE toward shrimp dock. We rode out two days of 35 knots around the compass with hardly a ripple. Leave room for shrimp boats to pass. Holding is excellent in mud. Wind driven tides only.
MP 196 Core Creek Fixed Bridge 34º 49.541' N 076º 41.466' W Clearance is 65".
NOTE: (Russel Slough is the way into TOWN CREEK MARINA (M/A-6-Sep 00)
We like it here, but it is a mile to town. Courtesy car for groceries. We never felt comfortable in the anchorage. Call marina and they will give you update on approach down the Gallant channel They also have sketch
chart on hand to leave by the new channel.
MP 204 Morehead City Bridges: 34º 43.249' N 076º 41.616' W - Fixed bridge clearance is 65'. This is a narrow bridge (80 feet horizontal clearance).
Railroad Bridge was rebuilt in May 00.
MP 207 Atlantic Beach Bridge: 34º 43.057' N 076º 44.135' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 210 Spooner Creek Anchorage: 34º 43.347' N 076º 48.160' W (A-1-May 99) - Good
holding, great wind protection, but surrounded by homes and docks.
MP226 Emerald Isle Bridge: 34º 40.454' N 077º 03.909' W Clearance is 65 feet.
34º 37.934' N 077º 12.275' - Range firing at the Camp Lejeune Marine Base sometimes closes the waterway for 2 to 3 hours at a time. Check the daily Notice to Mariners announced on VHF CH-16. If
hot, a range safety boat (VHF CH-82A) will stop traffic. Boats usually anchor in the ICW channel waiting for the next opening.
MP 233.5 Factory Channel Anchorage (A-1-Sep 01) it is open to wind as there are no trees.
MP 241 Onslow Beach Bridge: 34º 34.388' N 077º 16.280' W - Swing Bridge: opens every 30 minutes year round
from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Closed clearance is 12 feet.
MP245 Mile Hammock Bay: 34º 32.878' N 077º 19.669' W (A-10-May 01) - Usually several boats, but lots of room. We recorded 8 feet in channel center in
May 01. Basin was reported dredged in the spring of 01. Holding better than reported. Military exercises can be noisy, but it is a great floorshow. NOTE: On 8/9 Oct 98 at 0500 anchored boats were moved out due to
arrival of landing craft. Well, it is their lake.
MP 252 Topsail Island. Bridge: 34º 29.994' N 077º 25.753' W Clearance is 65 feet.
MP 261 Surf City Bridge: 34º 25.888' N 077º 32.977' W -
Swing Bridge: opens only on the hour from 7:00 AM-7:00 PM. Closed clearance 12'.
MP 263.7 RG"BC" 34º 24.598' N 077º 35.767' W 238.7C
Topsail Beach Anchorage: (A/C-1-May 99)
We found more depth than indicated. Tidal current. A feel your way around place. Channel well marked. Cat hole 100 ft NE of G "15"
MP 278.3 Figure 8 Island Bridge: 34º 16.480' N 077º 45.598' W - Swing Bridge: Restricted. The bridge opens every 30 minutes on a year round basis from 7:00 AM-7:00 PM. Closed clearance
MP 277 Wrightsville Beach Bridge: 34º 13.100' N 077º 48.746' W - Bascule Bridge: opens only every hour on the hour from 7:00 AM-7:00 PM daily, year round. Closed clearance is 20' at
Sea Path Marina: 34º 12.690' N 077º 48.359' W (M-6-Sep 01) - Very nice facilities, courtesy car is available to grocery and West Marine. E-Mail. There are good restaurants within walking distance.
Mid Island Rest has excellent home style cooking and is inexpensive.
Wrightsville Beach Anchorage: (A-6-May 00) - A good anchorage area is to the
SE in the large, a 10-foot deep area south of the low bridge. Good holding. It is a short walk to a small grocery from dingy dock on beach side of low bridge.
MP 296 Snows Cut Fixed Bridge: 34º 03.345' N 077º 53.978' W Clearance is 65 feet.
MP 309.3 Southport Marina: Red "2A" (M-2-Jun 94) - Short walk to town. Groceries were a long
way out to the highway. There was a good down home diner at street entrance in 94.
MP 310 Dutchman Creek: 33º 55.081' N 078º 02.678' W (A-3-May 99) - Carries depth farther in than chart
indicates. Lots of tide and holding is iffy.
MP 311 Pipe Line Canal: 33° 55 N 078° 03 W. (A-5-Sep 01) - Ignore sign. Go to dredged basin. Some report holding problems. We found channel has 6 feet at low
MP 312 Ft Caswell Fixed Bridge: 33º 55.306' N 078º 04.398'W Clearance is 65 feet.
MP 324 Holden Beach Fixed Bridge: 33º 55.010' N 078º 16.058' W clearance 65 feet.
MP 342 Sunset Beach
Bridge: 33º 52.912' N 078º 30.624' W - Pontoon Bridge: opens every hour on the hour from 7:00 AM-7:00 PM, from 1 Apr-1 Dec. No closed clearance (the bridge floats)...the last of its kind.
MP 347.2 Little River Fixed Bridge: 33º 51.211' N 078º 39.251' W clearance 65 feet.
MP 347.3 Little River Bridge: 33º 51.109' N 078º 39.389' W - Swing Bridge: No restrictions. Opens on
request. Closed clearance 7'. Call on VHF CH-09. All South Carolina bridges work CH-09.
MP 348.2 Dock Holidays Marina: (M-2-July 98) - Good restaurant. A short walk to West
Marine. Good people. Good place to leave boat for road trip.
South of here to SM 354 at Barefoot Landing is the stretch of waterway carved out of solid rock. Known as "The Rock Pile", it is as narrow as 80 feet in places from rocks on one side to rocks on the other. The rocks are submerged at high tide so stay centered. It is much easier to see the dangers at low tide. Before proceeding, call on VHF CH-13 with a "Security' Call" in the blind. Ask if any barges or commercial traffic are northbound to "The Rock Pile". If so, it is recommended that you wait until the tug and barge are clear of the "Rock Pile" before proceeding. (
Don't get up tight, but be careful.)
MP 353 Barefoot Landing Swing Bridge Opens on demand. Clearance is feet.
MP 353.5 Barefoot Landing: 33º 47.970' N 078º 45.120' W (FD-12-Sep 01) - This dock is
busy even in off-season, so be prepared to raft. We were four deep in May 01. New development is going in across river. Which created what we did not need, the new drawbridge.
MP 355 Triple Fixed Bridges: 33° 47.387' N 078º 46.632' W Clearance is 65 feet.
MP 358.3 Grande Dunes Fixed Bridge. 33°46.02 N 078 48.86 W Clearance is 65 feet.
MP 359.8 Fixed Bridge 33 44.99 N 07850.88 W Clearance is 65 feet.
MP365 RR & US 501 Fixed Bridge: 33º 42.884' N 078º 55.343' W - Railroad bridge: (normally open) Highway Bridge:
clearance 65 feet.
MP 371.0 Socastee Swing Bridge: 33º 41.230' N 079º 00.251' W - This bridge was locked open in Sep 01. Story is there is no money to repair it.
MP 371 Socastee Fixed Bridge: 33º 41.164' N 079º 00.380' W clearance 65 feet.
MP 375.5 Oxbow:(A-2-May 01) - Anchor in oxbow at G 29 on west side of river. South one half of oxbow has 7 ½ feet at low tide
the rest is as charted.
MP 377.3 The Bucksport Marina is to the right. (M-1-Nov 91) - Old funky, but good food in 91. Old, with fixed docks, it always seems to draw a boat or two even though
the docks are not in good condition. It looked like they were 50% rebuilt in the Sep of 01.
MP 381 Price Creek Anchorage:( A-1-May 00) - The creek is deep, narrow and peaceful.
MP383.4 The Wacca Wache Marina: (M-2- Sept 99) - Very clean, nice folks.
MP 397 Butler Island Anchorage: - We drove through here in the fall of 98 but didn't stop because we were making good time with the tide.
Looks good. Went out South end and found no trace of charted fence. Go Slow.
MP 401 Lafayette Fixed Bridge: 33º 21.941' N 079º 15.217' W Clearance is 65 feet.
MP 402.2 Georgetown Landing Marina: (M-1- Oct 92) - Very clean, 2 new restaurants since our last visit.
Georgetown Clock Tower Anchorage: 33º 21.898' N 79º 16.984' W (A-8-Sep 01)
Wind blowing from steel plant can leave tiny rust spots on deck. Can be crowded in season. Dingy dock at base of tower. Great town. A favorite stop. No bad restaurants that we know of. Piggly Wiggly
has been remodeled.
The Harborwalk Marina: (M-6-Sep 01) - Clean, good folks. Short walk to town. Can't fault any rest. Barber available on the main street. Marina is supposed to be rebuilt sometime soon. Piggly Wiggly will
give you ride to and from grocery store.
MP 410.2 R"2"; 33º 15.659' N 079º 15.386' W. - Turn point to dredged cut the Esterville-Minim Creek Canal from Western Channel.
MP 411.5
Ferry Crossing: 33º 15.040' N 079º 16.113' W - A small, cross-channel outboard powered ferry runs across the channel, but usually waits for traffic.
MP 415.5 Minim Creek: (A-2-May 01.) Tide. -
NOTE : From here S most anchorages are in tidal marsh and have little topside wind break. Usually no chop though as fetch is short.
MP 420 South Santee River Anchorage: (A-1-May 99) - Good holding. Tide. Boats, also anchor east of the ICW.
MP 439 Graham Creek Anchorage: (A-3-Oct 00) - Good holding. Tide.
MP 448.2 Price Creek anchorage: (A-1-May 92) - Good holding. Tide.
MP 451.5 Whiteside Creek: (A-1-Oct 01) - Good holding. Tide.
MP 459 Isle of Palms Fixed Bridge: 32º 47.670' N 079º 47.419' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 461 Entrance to Inlet Creek 32º 46.816' N 079º 49.502' W (A-3-Oct 00) Good holding. Less tide here than other
MP 462 Ben Sawyer Bridge: 32º 46.377' N 079º 50.531' W - Bascule Bridge: opens on demand weekdays except between 7:00-9:00 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM. Holidays and weekends only on the hour from 9 AM to 7
PM. Closed clearance is 31 feet.
MP 462 Ashley Marina: (M-9-Sep 01) - Docking can be fun as the tide really runs. Good dock crew getting you in. Very clean. E-Mail, Can be a long walk to
the facilities. Van to grocery or downtown. Also trolley from hotel next door. Try "Sticky Fingers" downtown for BBQ.
MP 470 Wappoo Creek Fixed Bridge: Clearance is 67 feet.
MP 470.8 Wappoo Creek Bridge:
32º 45.981' N 079º 58.442' W Tide can make waiting for this bridge fun. Not all bridge tenders are responsive to radio calls.
Bascule Bridge: No openings from 6:00-9:00 AM and 4:00-6:30 PM, Mon-Fri
from 1 Apr to 31 May and 1 Oct to 30 Nov. Other times, no openings from 6:30-9:00 AM and 4:00-6:30 PM. Also restricted to openings every 30 minutes from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, Mon-Fri, April
through November. On weekends and holidays, opens on demand except between 9:00 AM-7:00 PM when it opens every 30 minutes, April through November. Closed clearance is 33' at center.
MP 471
Wappoo Creek Anchorage: (A-1-Jun 94) - This anchorage is behind the island just passed the bridge. Overlooked by houses. Can be crowded. Strong tide.
MP 479.3 John F. Limehouse Bridge: 32º 47.128'
N 080º 06.422' W - Swing Bridge: opens every 30 minutes from 6:30-9:00 AM and 4:00-6:30 PM. Opens every 20 minutes in between, Mon-Fri except holidays, year round. No restrictions on weekends and holidays.
Closed clearance is 12 feet. New high-rise bridge is under construction.
MP 479.8 Anchorage to right in Oxbow. (A/C-1-Nov 91) - Good holding. Cat hole is just ahead in side creek toward RR Bridge.
MP 488 Church Creek Anchorage: 32º 42.530' N 080º 10.780' W (A-4-May 01) - Lots of room. Good holding in mud. Tide.
MP 496 Tom Point Creek Anchorage: (A-1-Jul 98) - Great stop.
Plenty of room. Reported better than Toogoodoo Creek next door.
MP 501 Dawho Fixed Bridge: 32º 38.206' N 080º 20.468' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 516 Rock Creek Anchorage: (A-4-May 00.) Good holding.
MP 530 Brickyard Creek Anchorage: (A-4-Oct 00) - Good spot if you are running late for Beaufort. Good holding. Some tide. Some jet
traffic from Marine Corps Air Station.
MP 536 Ladies Island Bridge: 32º 25.650' N 080º 40.140' W
Swing Bridge: opens every 30 minutes except between 7:00-9:00 AM and 4:00-6:00 PM when it
will open at 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM, Mon-Sat except holidays.
MP 536.3 Beaufort Downtown Marina: 32º 25.780' N 080º 40.460' W (M/A-8-Sep 01)
Tide can be challenge on docking. Good crew to help. E-Mail One of our favorite towns. Courtesy car is available. Good restaurants, try Hemingways' for happy hour. Barber shop on main street and a
great old-fashioned hardware store. Some boats anchor in 14 to 20 feet west of the marina. Dingy to marina.
MP 540 Beaufort River Fixed Bridge: 32º 23.650' N 080º 40.597' W Fixed clearance is 65 feet.
MP 553 Skull Creek Anchorage: (A-4-May 00) - At Seabrook Landing follow chart behind islands. Good holding.
Tide, allow for tide drop.
MP 554.8 Skull Creek Marina: (M-3-Oct 00) - Good folks. Van to grocery. Good restaurant in 94.
MP 556.5 Outdoor Resorts: (M-1-Apr 01) E-Mail. Good spot.
Sunset Restaurant on site excellent, but expensive.
MP 558 Hilton Head Fixed Bridge: 32º 13.490' N 080º 46.919' Clearance is 65'
MP 565 Bull Creek: (A-1-Oct 92) - A popular local
anchorage with good holding. No protection from winds, except possibly farther up the creek in 8 feet where the large trees should help in north and NE winds.
MP 570 New River Anchorage: (A-2-May 00) - Excellent holding. Lots of room. No wind protection.
MP 580 Causton Bluff Bridge 32º 03.732' N 081º 01.777' W
- Bascule bridge opens on demand except between 6:30-9:00 AM and 4:30-6:30 PM when it opens only at 7 and 8 AM and 5:30 PM, Mon-Fri. Closed clearance 21 feet.
MP 582 Thunderbolt Fixed Bridge: 32º 02.024' N 081º 02.756' W Clearance is 65".
MP 583.1 Palmer Johnson Marina: 32º 01.511' N 081º 02.795' W ( M-4-Oct 00) -
Excellent facilities: ships store, groceries, laundry, and nice showers. Gets crowded in season. Easiest place to stay to see Savannah. Bus stop at College about 1/4 mile. Bus goes downtown. Also to Walmart and grocery
MP 584.2 Herb River Anchorage: (A-4-Oct 01) Good holding. Tide.
MP 590 Isle of Hope Anchorage: (A-1-Oct 94) Crowded. Tide.
MP 592 Skidaway Narrows Bridge 31º 56.828' N 081º 03.968'
W - Bascule bridge: opens on demand. Closed clearance is 22 feet.
MP 594.7 Moon River Anchorage: (A-4-May 00) - Yes this is "THE" Moon River. Good holding. Tide. Houses line
one shore.
MP 614 Kilkenny Creek Anchorage (A-2-Jun 94) - Good holding. Tide. Friends tell us the marina is a fun spot.
MP 619 Wallberg Creek Anchorage: (A-2-Oct 92) - Lots of room. Tide.
MP 639.8 Ridge River Anchorage: (C-1-Jul 98) - Room for one boat at mouth.
MP 643.5 Crescent
River Anchorage (A-7-Oct 01.) - Anchor just passed side creek leading to shrimp docks. Can be buggy at dusk.
MP 646.6 New Teakettle Creek Anchorage (A-1 on 24 Oct 94.) -
Good holding. A lot of tide. No wind protection.
MP649.3 Dulpin Creek (A-4-Oct 00) - Better holding, more room and less tide than New Teakettle Creek.
MP 651 Back River Anchorage (A-1-Jun 94) - Good holding. Lots of tide.
MP 666 Wally's Leg: (A-2-May 00) - Depth is 7 feet at low tide. Chart shows much deeper water.
665.8 - This is the northern entrance to the Frederica River. Follow alt route to Ft Frederica and anchorage (A-2-Oct 92) Holding is good. Tide. Can be buggy. Dingy dock to visit the park. Follow river
out the south end to leave.
MP 647.2 St. Simons Island Fixed Bridge: 31º 10.268' N 081º 25.488' W, Clearance is 65".
MP 677 Turn point for Golden Isle Marina. (M-6-Jul 98) - Courtesy car, good restaurants on site.
MP 648.3 Jekyll Island Fixed Bridge: 31º 02.850' N 081º 25.378' W Clearance is 65 feet.
MP 648.3 Jekyll Harbor Marina: (M-7-Oct 01) - Excellent, short walk to grocery, ABC, pharmacy, on
site restaurant OK. E-Mail jack.
MP 686.0 Umbrella Cut: - This is the ICW Alternate Route if St. Andrews Sound is acting up. Read guides. We went through at low tide in Oct 98 and had 5 feet. At
high tide in Oct 01 least depth was 12 feet at south end.
MP 711 Cumberland Island Anchorage: (A-3-May 99). Great walking stop.
MP 716.8 Fernandina Marina: 30º 40.228 AND 081º 28.019' W
(M/A-6-Oct 01). - Great town, good restaurants. Marina Restaurant excellent in Oct 01. Try Palace Saloon for happy hour. E-Mail jack. Unfortunately marina was still silted full. First come
first served on outer face dock. Cats can go inside face dock. New dock N of fuel dock. Taxi $3.50 per person each way to grocery.
MP 719.4 Jackson Creek Anchorage: 30º 38.765' N 081º 29.058' W (A-1 0n 19 Oct 92) - Good holding. Tide.
MP 720.8 Kingsley Creek Bridges: 30º 37.681' N 081º 29.015'
- Railroad Swing Bridge normally open. Twin Fixed Highway Bridges, Clearance is 65".
MP 735 Fort George River Anchorage: (A-8-last May 00) - Good holding. Tide. Can get crowded in season.
MP 739.1 Sisters Creek Bridge: 30º 23.645' N 081º 27.599' W Bascule
Bridge: opens on demand. Closed clearance 24 feet at center.
Florida uses VHF CH-09 for bridge communications. CH-13 is no longer used at bridges. They still monitor CH-16.
MP 744.7 Atlantic Beach Fixed Bridge: 30º 19.408' N 081º 26.329' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 747.5 McCormick Bridge: 30º 17.270' N 081º 25.280' W - Bascule bridge:
opens every 30 minutes, Mon-Fri, between 7:00-9:00 AM and 4:30-6:30 PM, from 1 Apr-31 May and 1 Oct-30 Nov. On weekends and holidays, opens every 30" between 12 noon-6:00 PM. Closed
clearance 37' at center.
MP 749.5 Pablo Creek Fixed Bridge: 30º 15.440' N 081º 25.702' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 758.8 Palm Valley Bridge: 30º 07.951' N 081º 23.122' W
Bascule bridge: opens on demand. Closed clearance is 9 feet at center. New high-rise bridge under construction.
MP 765 Pine Island Anchorage: (A-6-Oct 01) Good holding. Some tide.
MP 775.8 Vilano Fixed Bridge: 29º 55.047' N 081º 18.046' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 776.6 Salt Run (A-2-last April 01)
- Follow marked channel past launch ramp. Then go past marked shoal. Anchor in 8 ft at low tide in front of last house. Good holding in sandy mud.
MP 778.2 Bridge of Lions; 29º 53.579' N 081º 18.442' W
Bascule bridge: opens every 30 minutes from 7:00 AM-6:00 PM, Mon-Fri, but does not open at 8:00 AM, 12:00, & 5:00 PM. On weekends
& holidays, opens every 30 minutes on hour and half hour from 7:00 AM-6:00 PM. The bridge has red & green traffic lights for boat traffic. Closed clearance 25' at center.
MP778.3 St.
Augustine City Marina: (M/A-9-last Oct 00) - Clean, good people, best place to stay to visit city. E-Mail jack. Need to take taxi ($4.50/person Oct 01) to grocery. NOTE: Don't get trapped in a slip open to
the N toward the bridge in a NE blow. We were trapped for 3 days unable to leave against 4-foot seas. Ask and they will put you on S side. May have to wait for tide. Anchor N or S of bridge, dingy to marina for fee
MP 780.3 State Road 312 Fixed Bridge: 29º 51.859' N 081º 18.469' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 788.7 Crescent Beach Bridge: 29º 46.139' N 081º 15.493' W - Bascule
bridge: opens on demand. Closed clearance is 25' at center.
MP 792.2 Marineland Marina: 29º 40.099' N 081º 13.017' W (M-7-last 7 May 99) - Closed Oct 99. No indication it will re-open soon.
MP 804 Palm Coast Fixed Bridge: 29º 34.434' N 081º 11.332' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 809 Cement Plant Anchorage: (A-5-last 24 Oct 00)
Good holding. Limited swing room due to Sea Ray docks, plus cement plant is back in operation with new loading dock.
MP 810.5 Flagler Beach Fixed Bridge: 29º 28.654' N 081º 08.201' W Clearance is 65 feet.
MP 816 L B Knox Bridge: 29º 24.541' N 081º 06.055' W - Bascule
bridge: opens on demand. Closed clearance is 15' at center.
MP 824.9 Ormand Beach Fixed Bridge 29º 17.228' N 081º 03.139' W Clearance is 65".
MP 829.1 Seabreeze Fixed Bridges 29º 13.859' N 081º 01.367' W Clearance 65 is feet.
MP 829.2 Seabreeze Bridge Anchorage: (A-8-Oct 01)
Good holding in mud and sand. The anchorage south of the bridge is generally the best since it is across from a marina and in a No Wake Zone. Dingy to PUBLIX Super market N of bridge. Land at S end of
shopping center.
MP 829.7 Main Street Bridge: 29º 13.358' N 081º 01.148' W - Bascule bridge: opens on demand. Closed clearance is 22' at center.
MP 830.1 Broadway Bridge: 29º 13.055' N 081º 00.979' W - Old bridge replaced by high bridge. Clearance is 65'
MP 830.6 Memorial Bridge: 29º 12.666' N 081º 00.667' W - Bascule bridge: opens on
demand except between 7:45-8:45 AM & 4:45-5:45 PM when it opens at 8:15 AM & 5:15 PM, Mon-Sat. Closed clearance 21' center. No restrictions on Sundays or federal holidays.
831.1 Halifax Harbor Marina :(M-3- Oct 00) - This "south basin" has floating docks with long finger piers. Clean facilities, good restaurants are close by. West Marine has temporary dockage at the N end of
MP 8335.5 Port Orange Fixed Bridge: 29º 08.904' N 080º 58.509' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 845 Coronado Beach Bridge: 29º 02.334' N 080º 54.296' W - Bascule bridge: A new opening
bridge was completed in late 1996. The new bridge has no restrictions. Closed clearance is 23 ft.
MP 845.5 Sheepshead Cut Anchorage: (A-3- Oct 98) - Limited room, poor holding, and is now an active channel. RECOMMEND YOU BY PASS NOW. Not the great anchorage it used to be.
MP 846.5 Harris Saxon Fixed Bridge: 29º 01.420' N 080º 55.079' W Clearance is 65".
MP 869.1 Haulover Canal Bridge 28º 44.190' N 080º 45.269' W - Bascule bridge: opens on demand. Closed
clearance is 27 feet at center.
MP 876.7 Jay Jay RR Bridge: 28º 39.040' N 080º 48.400' W - Bascule Bridge: normally open. Closed clearance 7'.
All causeways down the Indian River provide decent anchorage's to ride out most anything. Just pick N or S, E or W.
MP 876.7 Jay Jay RR Bridge Anchorage: (A-5-Oct 01) - Anchor
East or West in depths as charted. Spent 2 days SW of bridge to wait out a 30-40 knot north wind in Oct 01.
MP 878.0 Titusville City Marina: 28º 37.295' N 080º 48.520' W
(M/A-7- April 01) - Good clean facility clean. Grocery close, but limited. Propane ½ mile.
MP 878.5 Titusville Swing Bridge: 28º 37.256' N 080º 47.885' W 147.4C - Swing Bridge:
closed 6:00-7:15 AM and 3:15-4:30 PM, Mon-Fri except holidays. Otherwise, opens on demand. Closed clearance is 9 feet.
MP 885 Addison Point Bridge: 28º 31.644' N 080º 45.944' W
- Bascule bridge: opens on demand except no openings 6:30-8:00 AM and 3:30-5:00 PM, Mon-Fri except holidays. Closed clearance is 27' (at center). NASA Parkway.
MP 885 Addison Point
Anchorage: (A-2 on 26 May 00) - On S side of causeway. Good holding. Great place to watch a shuttle launch.
MP 894 State Road 832 Fixed Bridges: 28º 24.169' N 080º 44.098' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 897.3 Cocoa Twin Fixed Bridges: 28º 21.403' N 080º 43.100' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 897.3 Cocoa City Dock: (FD-2-Apr 01) - Shallow at W end.
MP 897.8 Cocoa Anchorage (A-3-April 01) - Good holding in mud south of power line. Dock north of power line for day tie up best depth is on
east end.
MP 909 Causeway Bridge: 28º 12.377' N 080º 38.998' W Clearance is 65'.
MP 914 Merritt Island and Dragon Point Anchorage: This has become so crowed we normally by
pass. There is also plenty of room north of bridge to anchor on the west side.
MP 914.4 Eau Gallie Fixed Bridge: 28º 07.968' N 080º 37.055' W Clearance is 65".
MP 918.1 Melbourne Fixed Bridge: 28º 05.052' N 080º 35.499' W clearance 65'
MP 918.1 Anchorage: (A-6-Oct 01) - Good holding. Sheltered on SE side of causeway in Oct 01. Wind was NE @25.
MP 943.2 Wabasso Fixed Bridge: 27º 45.680' N 080º 24.970' W Clearance is 65".
MP 943.4 Wabasso Bridge Anchorage: (C-6- Apr 01) - Anchor where 5-foot spot shows on chart. S toward
the small island.
MP 951.7 Merrill Barber Fixed Bridge: 27° 39.04 N 080° 22.41 W Clearance is 65".
MP 953.1 17th St. Fixed Bridge 27º 37.937' N 080º 22.270' W Clearance is 65".
MP 965 Ft Pierce North Bridge: 27º 28.329' N 080º 19.468' W
Bascule bridge: opens on demand. Closed clearance is 26 feet at center.
MP 965 Harbortown Marina 27º 28.000' N 080º 19.609'
W (M-3-Jul 98) - Full services, including customs clearing. Clean. E-mail jack. A grocery is a block and a half away plus a West Marine Store.
MP 965.8 Ft. Pierce Fixed Bridge: 27º 27.487' N 080º 19.099' W Clearance is 65".
MP 966.5 Ft. Pierce Municipal Marina: (M-2-Jul 98) Great facilities. Nice town.
MP 966.2 Faber Cove Anchorage: (A-5-Oct 01) - Good holding. Protected from all directions. Houses all around.
MP 979.2 Nettles Island Marina (M-8-Oct 01) - The only reason we stop is friends of ours live here.
No showers or heads. Docks not in the best shape. However he still wants $1.25 per foot.
MP 981.4 Jensen Beach Bridge: 27º 15.200' N 080º 13.136' W - Bascule bridge: opens every 30
minutes, Mon-Fri, from 7:00 AM-6:00 PM from 1 Dec-1 May, otherwise on demand. Closed clearance is 24' at center.
MP 982 Jensen Beach Anchorage: (A-4-Oct 98) - N or S of bridge. Good
holding pick side depending on wind. Short walk to town. Good restaurants. Grocery, ABC, pharmacy, Doc in a Box.
MP 984.9 Indian River Bridge (Ernest Lyons) 27º 12.412' N 080° 11.46
W - Bascule bridge: opens every 30 minutes, Mon-Fri, from 7:00 AM-6:00 PM from 1 Dec-1 May. Otherwise on demand. Closed clearance 28'.
MP 987.8 Turn Point for St. Lucie River and the Okeechoobee Waterway. SEE Section 2.
MP 992 Peck Lake Anchorage: 27º 06.855' N 080º 08.680' W (A-6-Apr 01)