Day 7 & 8:
Weather: Tropical Storm is hitting NC, 20 miles West are numerous hurricanes in Wilson and Washington. Windy, wet but not too cool |
After leaving the Alligator River Marina, we crossed through the Alligator River Swing Bridge
and began the long leg to Belhaven, NC. The weather was not bad, winds perhaps at 7-8 kts, partly cloudy yet, quite a nice day.We arrived in Belhaven late in the afternoon, around 4:00 p.m. As
we pulled into the marina, we spotted SWAN tied up just to our stern. Approaching Belhaven we were able to actually sail quite a bit, which made the day a little more pleasant. The Alligator River
was more of a pain to cross than I expected. The many crab pots were drifting out into the channel, causing one to have to be constantly aware of their locations. |
Belhaven was absolutely a nice place to visit. We stayed at Capt Rob's Marina, enjoyed the
surroundings and the friendly people. We utilized one of their golf carts to check out the town. Not much in Belhaven, however we did discover that riding a golf cart to the Food Lion, practically a mile and
a half away was quite interesting. There were some interesting bits of history and we made sure to check out the various sites of interest. The next morning we were trapped due to weather. The Tropical
Storm moving North through Georgia was heading just due west of Belhaven. This, of course, created the many tornados and lightening strikes throughout the area. We decided to stay on berth until the next
morning. That night we had a little wind and a great deal of wind. Overall it was just a nuisance instead of a real problem. We set sail for Oriental, NC the next morning.
We have now lost 5 days due to weather, reduced opening on locks and bridge openings. |